Recipes Food

Easy Valentine Strawberries

Article adapted from:


  • Sträwberries
  • Välentine ässorted Sprinkles
  • Red, White, & Pink Cändy Melts


  1. First Rinse änd dry sträwberries.
  2. Melt Chocoläte äccording to päckäge directions. (Melt eäch chocoläte one ät ä time in the microwäve, not äll three bowls together).
  3. Dip eäch sträwberry into the different color of chocolätes.
  4. Pläce on ä pärchment lined bäking sheet änd immediätely ädd the sprinkles.
  5. You cän älso dip some pläin änd then drizzle ä different color of chocoläte over it.
  6. Häve fun änd creäte different looks.
  7. Finally Let dry änd Enjoy!!

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