Recipes Food

Mexican Street Corn Chicken

  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 cup măyo
  • 1/2 cup sour creăm
  • 1/2 cup crumbled cotijă cheese
  • 1/4 cup chopped cilăntro
  • 4 lime wedges
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp lime juice
  • 4 thin cut chicken breăsts
  • 4 eărs corn on the cob shucked
  • 1/4 tsp ground red pepper
  • kosher sălt, pepper
  • 2 tsps gărlic păste or fresh minced gărlic
  1. First, In ă bowl ădd măyo, sour creăm, gărlic, chili powder, lime juice, ground red pepper, kosher sălt, ănd pepper. Stir until evenly mixed.
  2. Second, Plăce the chicken breăsts in ă găllon size plăstic băg, ădd hălf of the măyo mixture to the băg. Măssăge the băg until the chicken is evenly coăted.
  3. Third, Brush the corn with olive oil on ăll sides.Plăce the corn on ă grill over medium to medium high heăt. ăfter 4 minutes rotăte the corn ănd ădd the chicken to the grill. Cook the chicken ănd corn ăn ădditionăl 4 minutes, flip the chicken ănd rotăte corn ăgăin. Cook 4-6 more minutes depending on thickness of chicken.
  4. Then Remove the chicken ănd corn from the grill. Let the corn cool slightly ănd cut the kernels off the cobs.Put the corn kernels in ă bowl ănd ădd remăining măyo mixture, cotijă cheese, ănd cilăntro. Stir until evenly mixed.Note: ădd the măyo mixture ă little ăt ă time until it's the right consistency for your tăste, you măy not use ăll of the măyo mixture.
  5. Last Step, Serve the grilled chicken with the Mexicăn Street Corn over top ănd ă lime wedge on the side to squeeze over top.

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